Monday, February 9, 2015

Current Event

Thus far, it has been discussed that the DEA and FDA regulate drugs based on the drug’s potential for abuse, accepted medical use, and the overall safety of using the drug. Methamphetamine and cocaine are both Schedule II drugs. This is relative to past course material as we are now aware that this particular schedule of drugs has some accepted medical use, with a high potential for abuse and potentially a severe amount of dependence. New drugs are constantly being introduced, sometimes that combine multiple different drug qualities. For example, Molly is said to be the purest form of Ecstasy, but it is often found cut with a range of dangerous drugs, ranging from cocaine to bath salt. The bottom line is that when you buy drugs, there can never be certainty without a doubt concerning what you’re actually taking. That’s why the newest drug introduced to the streets of South Florida is getting the attention that it is.

Going by the street name of Flakka, it’s basically a mixture of meth and bath salts, although a different conflicting article describes Flakka as a combination of cocaine and meth. Created in labs overseas in a process similar to that of crystal meth, Flakka is then shipped around the world to be sold. One of the serious concerns as it’s being introduced to the streets are the negative and often violent side effects associated with it, which negatively impact society and can include paranoia, psychosis, hallucinations, heart problems, anxiety, and extreme violence (“Flakka—A New Designer Drug”, 2015). According to WPBF News, a local news channel out of West Palm Beach, a man was arrested in Boca Raton, Florida after robbing a woman at an ATM and stealing her SUV. Duaine Knisely, while severely intoxicated, claimed that he had been under the influence of Flakka for most of the week and committed a series of similar acts (2015). This raises the question of how dangerous and addicting is this new drug.

I think more importantly than the effects of Flakka are the variety of ways that it can be consumed, most notably with the ease of e-cigarettes and vapes, along with smoking, injection, or snorting. I was reading a forum a while back that talked about how someone got a joint laced with what was said to be Molly but turned out to be Flakka. The user described the feeling as different, but not bad. Vaping and e-cigarettes have become a new trend, although as we have discussed in class, they were originally designed as an outlet to help people stop smoking. Currently though, it is argued that e-cigarettes are being used by non-smokers and can still be considered a gateway to other drugs. However, since they are legal in most settings as of now, e-cigarettes provide an easy way for people to hide amongst the crowd while using more serious drugs such as marijuana or in this case, Flakka (“Flakka—A New Designer Drug”, 2015). 

The introduction or use of any drug has an impact on society, whether it be good or bad. I think the introduction of Flakka is relevant as it is arguably the newest version of crystal meth on the market. Once there is evidence of production in the United States, the impact on society will continue to expand. What I think is important to realize is that while the immediate side effects of Flakka are alarming, we are uncertain about the long-term side effects, thereby adding to the level of danger. People get hooked on a drug and unlike those that have been vigorously studied, Flakka is currently uncharted territory. Despite any monetary costs to society, there are also personal costs to society that come in the form of physical damage and addiction. Just like with any new drug, Flakka doesn’t come without a cost.


Flakka - A New Designer Drug To Watch Out For. (2015, January 19). Retrieved from
Man robs woman at ATM, tells police he spent most of week high on 'flakka' | Local News WPBF Home. (2015, January 13). Retrieved from


  1. This was a really interesting analysis. I read an article describing how easily Flakka can be purchased over the internet and after reading your analysis where you mentioned how easily disguised smoking Flakka out of E-Cigs is, its scary to think of the growing threat this new drug has on society. Its extremely scary to think how such a drug is so unknown in terms of its dangers due to its recent emergence and lack of studies on it, and how easily accessible it has become.

  2. Wow! I have never heard of this drug prior to reading your current event analysis. I agree with Shaina on the fact that it is extremely alarming and scary that such dangerous drugs are becoming widely accessible to individuals of all ages. I think it is also crazy that people are lacing these dangerous drugs with substances such as marijuana and distributing to people who have no clue. What a crazy world we live in! Interesting read!

  3. It's crazy how many new drugs come out, and it's kind of scary too. It's scary to think that people could be buying drugs laced with unknown substances, especially ones that seem to be as dangerous as this one. Hopefully this drug becomes regulated soon enough, and hopefully no one gets hurt from experimenting with this drug.

    ~Christina Smith

  4. It's crazy how many new drugs come out, and it's kind of scary too. It's scary to think that people could be buying drugs laced with unknown substances, especially ones that seem to be as dangerous as this one. Hopefully this drug becomes regulated soon enough, and hopefully no one gets hurt from experimenting with this drug.

    ~Christina Smith

  5. I've never heard of this drug until I read your article. I'm not surprised however that South Florida is the first region to have it. The combination of meth and bath salts sounds pretty horrifying. I really hope this doesn't become popular and trendy as other drugs have recently. I could only imagine how bad some of the things people would do while on flakka. I think you gave a very thorough and detailed analysis. Great post.

  6. I think I'm not the only one who had not previously heard of Flakka until reading your article. Regardless of whether it is a mixture of cocaine and meth, or bath salts and meth (likely can be either/or!), it never ceases to amaze me how society finds new ways to get high. Flakka appears to be just the latest in the growing list of speedball-esque cocktails, combining two or more drugs together in an effect to achieve an even greater high.

    Your analysis was a wonderful read! Let's hope Flakka doesn't become the next headline in some heinous or tragic act. (I'm looking at you, bath salts...)

  7. Prior to reading this article I was not aware of this drug. I find it sad that our society has gotten to a point where drugs like this are easily accessible through a number of different outlets. I hope that something is eventually done to put the brakes on how easily accessible it is, especially when people have begun lacing it with other forms of drugs to make the side effects more dangerous.

  8. Thanks for sharing this great article because I have never heard of this drug before. Being from South Florida, this class has definitely made me view my hometown much differently. It is so scary to think about how dangerous and accessible this drug is. I hope more research is done on the subject.

  9. Wow this was a great article, I had never heard of this drug before. It is crazy to think how they are always coming up with new drugs and new combinations and ways to get high without any regard for safety. This one sounds particularly awful and dangerous.

  10. Flakka is definitely a drug that I'm not familiar with,so to hear just how dangerous it is is news to me. It's just another example of these drug mixtures that people are experimenting with that can be damaging or even fatal. Hopefully we get more information on this drug in the future.

  11. It's interesting to read about people experiment with certain drugs and that using one while using another can have certain effects. Learning about Flakka was definitely cool because I hadn't heard of it before. It just worries me that people mix certain drugs together because I'm knowledgeable about the negative effects that could have on the body and mind.
